Here are the photos a customer took during the installation. The motor is a 1998 Yanmar 4LH-STE, the same as the 4LH-DTE but higher horsepower.
According to our customer, this was ‘way too easy. The install took less than 3 hours, including access to the front of the motor and getting back out. The guy in your video has it easy – I’ve never been able to work on a boat engine standing up.
“I was very happy that I took a small gear puller with me to get the old pulley off the Balmar alternator. It came right off with the puller but would have been a challenge without it.”
“A giant pair of Channel Locks were very handy to hold the old water pump pulley while I removed the bolts. They were a bit stubborn.”
They sat the new crankshaft pulley in front of a space heater for a while. When they placed it over the original crankshaft pulley (which was about 35 degrees F), it slipped right on.
“One of my Allen wrenches fit the Electromaax water pump pulley well enough but not perfectly. Are the supplied bolts perhaps metric?”
Editor’s note: Yes, metric bolts are provided with each Yanmar pulley kit
“I did not run the motor because I didn’t want to re-winterize it but the install looks perfect.”
“Thanks very much, Lynn”